5 Things To Do During the Week for A Better Weekend

Back when I worked a 9-5 job, the weekend for me was always about catching up on household tasks like cleaning, laundry, meal planning/prepping and grocery shopping. It was always a mad dash for me to get things done and prepare for the week ahead in some way.

Then when I started my own business, I recognized that I could alter my schedule a bit to do some of these things on the weekdays to free up my weekends a bit.

Little did I know, my schedule is so much busier now than when I did work my old job with regular hours! Sure, I am not on a schedule that requires me to be working eight hours a day and be out of the house now - but I do a lot of running around now, have multiple meetings and clients a week. 

This new life forced me to better learn to balance my personal and professional schedule. I have created systems that work for me and alter them as needed - all helping me to stress less and be prepared for all that I do still need to do to create a smooth week for myself.

Everyone is different when it comes to simplifying their life and creating systems within it. Pick and choose some of the tips and ideas below to see what you’d like to implement into your week for a simple, stress-free weekend:

Calendar plan. Add all appointments and things you are doing in the upcoming week to your paper planner so you can clearly see what is going on during the week on Monday morning . You can even create a to-do list for the upcoming week of things you’d like to work on then!

Meal plan. Choose what meals you’ll be making so that creating your grocery list and shopping for groceries is that much easier whenever you do.

Create a list of meals. Create a document of frequently eaten meals so that when it comes time to select meals for the week, you aren’t starting from scratch.

Create a laundry schedule. Rather than spending all day Saturday or Sunday sorting and folding, build your laundry schedule into the week.

Hire out grocery shopping or cleaning. Many people do this these days just to take one more time consuming task off their plate. Choose what you dislike spending time on most!

Which of these ideas do you find most helpful? I’d love to hear your feedback!