6 Things To Do At Home Before A Trip

This past weekend my parents visited my sister in Baltimore MD. While they were there, we all had a Facetime call in order to discuss our summer calendars when it came to when my sister would be coming home to see us, and when we would make trips down to see her.

My mom and I are going down for four days in late June.

My dad and I are going down for a night and then headed to the beach for three days with her in early July.

Jordan and I are going down for the weekend in late August for the weekend for baseball game.

Needless to say, these are three planned trips for me this summer already! My friends are both getting married within a month of each other in early summer too - so I waited to plan any travel until the weddings happened too as those weekends would be busy for us!

So with all this travel on the books, plan and prep must happen. Making a list of what to pack and what to do in prep for the trip itself. I am always sure to take the day off before a trip so I have plenty of time for these things or at least have the evening clear to do what I must before we leave - laundry, packing, etc.

Something I always do before a trip? Pick up the house! I want to leave it in good shape so that when I do come home after a busy couple of days away, there isn’t a mess to clean up or a mountain of “to-do’s” to add onto the things I have to do unpacking wise (lots of laundry!).

Some tips for leaving your home in good shape before you’re time away:

Do a small grocery shop or at least ensure there is something for your to eat when you get home. You won’t want to go out to the store when you arrive home!

Pick up/clean so that you aren’t coming home to a mess you have to deal with

Clear your laundry hampers so that when you come home and do all your dirty laundry you don’t need to add to your load

Clean out the refrigerator of anything that will expire or go old in the time that you are away

Take out the trash so you don’t come home to any smells

Set your thermostat and lights to adjust properly while you’re away

You know your home best and what needs to be done to “reset it” before you leave so that you can come home to a welcoming environment. Be sure to schedule in time for these tasks and coming home won’t feel like such a drag after some time away!