4 Ways We Help Clients Get Organized: Holiday Edition

Being a professional organizer, it is natural that I am a planner. I am always thinking ahead and considering obstacles to plan for and overcome. It’s just the way my mind works!

So with the holiday season coming up, I am going to help you think ahead and plan the best way I can - by getting organized!

4 ways we help clients get organized for the holidays are:

  1. Decluttering the kids toys. Holiday shopping without a plan is like going to the grocery store without a list. You sometimes overbuy, overspend, or buy something you truly didn’t need. Before having your kids make their holiday wish list or brainstorming ideas of your own - allow us to help you sort though and assess all your kids toys (or books, clothes, etc.). Doing so will allow you to purge what is no longer wanted or needed (let the kids know you are donating for other kids who have less too) and make room for what is about to come in. Because you know that they will get even more than you’re expecting - from other family members or friends in addition to what you, or Santa, brings them. This gives you an idea too of what the kids need vs. want/what has been popular or not in the past.

  2. Clearing a room for guests. Do you have a space that is cluttered and keeps you from entertaining or hosting family over the holiday? Sometimes getting an entire room in shape, especially if you are feeling the time constraints of a visitor coming, can be intimidating. Don’t let the size of the project or time you think will need to be put in stop you from gaining the room back or an opportunity to spend more time with loved ones during the holidays. Let us be a second set of hands to get the project done with less stress, and in less time.

  3. Organizing and put out holiday decorations. Getting your holiday decorations in order prior to actually taking them out to decorate is certainly ideal. We help clients do just that! We help clients organize and properly store away decor in the correct totes with accurate labels. Once that is done, we even put out holiday decor for clients (the decor that isn't a part of any family traditions). Last but not least, we come back after the holidays to put away decor in the newly organized holiday decor.

  4. Setting up routine sessions to keep the home tidy. We have a handful of past clients who have recurring appointments with us to tidy up and refresh their spaces now that we have organized for them and know their home. Booking these sessions with us allows clients to take “picking up” off their to-do list before entertaining or hosting guests, knowing we have it covered on a recurring basis.

How can we best help you get organized before the holidays? Tell me about your project by submitting a contact form!